The Culture Fix Surveys and Employee Poll

We offer these free tools as a resource to assess your culture’s health and to poll your employees. There are 3 choices at the current time:

  1. If you simply want a quick checkup on the health and maturity of your culture, answer 5 questions here: The Culture Fix Quick Checkup.

  2. If you are looking for a more in depth survey to assess the health and maturity of your culture or if you are reading The Culture Fix book and came here as a result of working through the 9 deeds in 90 days, click the orange button below to take the full 20 question survey: The Culture Fix Full Checkup. Repeat the survey periodically to measure your progress.

  3. The Culture Fix Employee Poll. If you are beginning the process of defining or reviewing your culture and want to poll your employees, please use the contact us button because Culture Czars needs to create a custom link for your organization. Simply type “Employee Poll” in the email and we will provide the link. (Yes this is the “Employee Poll” referred to in Chapter 9 of The Culture Fix book.)